Monday, 20 d'agostEl Prego
Ados past six in the evening on Cafède Art of Retirement, del'exposició inauguration "THE FESTIVAL OF CHILDREN", a collection of artwork that students of all P5 lesescoles Sitges have done for ail·instruct the program of events this year laFesta.
Organized by the Commission of the FestaMajori SantaTeclai SocietatRecreativa Retirement.
Apartirdosquartsde del Rey Moro vuitdelvespre alPalau, Reading Festival delPREGÓ satirical acàrrec Jordi Cubillos, Críptic.Tot then present the granddaughter of the organization and will be termeel alsoci.Lafestaclouràambunpetitrefrigeri recognition and a glass of champagne.
Event organized by the Association deBalls Popular Sitges.
Adosquartsd'onzede Lanit, plaçade wing City Council, PRAYER OF THE FESTIVAL by Marzal and Michael Ortiz. The speech will be interpreted LlenguaCatalana Signs. If Pluja Omal time, The speech will take place at the esglésiaparroquial.
WBA Barbastro Patrocini Energy Water.
In ending, and per l'inici celebration of laFesta Staff, a glass of Cava decava courtesy Tallinn.
Tot seguit, to Platja de Sant Sebastia,Concert with the group Sitges Club Soma-courtesy of the Association deBalls Sitgesi popular with the successful formation txaranga, culminating in the first night of joy laFesta.
Tuesday, 21 of agost
Of 12 10of a2del migdiaide8 to vespre, TAPATAST, tasting of stages at various places in Sitges.
Event organized pelGremi Hosteleriade of Sitges.
Ticket sales and information to participants unionized establishments.
Alessisdelatarda, opening,acàrrec Mn Josep Pausas, rector of laParròquia, the exposure of the image of Santa BARTOMEU,exposada queromandrà aldomicilidelPendonista, and senyor Trino Carbonelli Alvarez, carrer de Sant Josep to, alslocals the Romantic Museum, fins on the ProcessóCívica diade al'horade laVigília.
Wings seven in the evening on the beach of SantSebastià, Theatre ESPECTACLE pornography "Colossal", acàrrec Mobile Theatre Company. Event organized by the Association deBalls Popular Sitges.
Teenagers quartsd'onzedelanitalPasseigde la Ribera, FESTA SONORA amb els grups musicals Bulma i Chinese Christmas Card, and action Dj'sde Sitges. Funk, rock, electro, newwave, tech house, projections show llumsi.
Wings eleven at night in the Parish Church, representation of the altarpiece of Saint Bartholomew, escenificació the martyred apostle of l'.
Event organized by the Parish and St. Bartholomew Saving Key,with realization of the People's Theatre in Sitges.
STATEMENT OF THE IMAGE OF SANTBARTOMEU alcarrer Saving Joseph, the premises of the Romantic Museum,from eleven in the morning until two delmigdia ides dela tardaifinsqueacabi the presentation of the Flag.
From one o'clock VERMUTDEFESTAMAJOR allocal the AteneuPopulardeSitges, Bartomeu alcarrerdeSant, number 40, amenitzatpel group of folk musicians buccaneers. The Ateneo encourages all this time in Sitges acompartir celebrarl'arribada the Party.
Event organized by the Ateneo Popularde Sitges.
Aside from the seven dosquarts tardadavant the Palau del Rey Moro, GIANTS dress MOORS,i in the Faluch Lahia.
Event organized by the Association deBalls Popular Sitges.
Hang same time and before the Slaughterhouse, VESTIMELSGEGANTSDE THE TOWN AND THE AMERICAN GIANTS.
At eight in the evening at the Palau del Rey
Moro, great essay FESTIVAL OF LACOLLAJOVE Castellers PREFER, atots open the Sitges and Sitges.
Wings eight in the evening the Head of the Town,to stop the Commission FestaMajor iSantaTecla, SORTEIGDELS AWARDS FOR FRIENDS OF THE FESTIVAL. All who have adquiritelstiquetsd'AMICSsabreusiheuestatagraciats with oportunitatde dispararun morterets of the Vigil, Castell alrecinte ambunaentradaper deFoc encalma, ambalgunade or places to climb to the belfry of the parish or on the balcony of City Hall.
Wings in the evening on the beach SantSebastià, CONCERT has càrrec the banda Beatrix'Drum andBugleCorps,procedent the Dutch ciutat deHilversum.
At half past eleven at night in the Parish of St. Bartholomew and SantaTecla, presentation of the flag with poetry recital and singing Joys of Saint Bartholomew. This year unapoesia premiere of Lydia Gázquez. A continuació, and accompanied by sitgetanaAgrupació MusicalSuburband Retiro, cercavila fins to the place of residence of the president of Comissió: Baluard, plaçade City Council, Major, Cape lavila, Jesus, Sant Bartomeu, Sant Gaudenci, Illa de Cuba avinguda of the ArturCarbonell.
Thursday, 23 eve of agostLa
STATEMENT OF IMAGE SANTBARTOMEU alcarrerde San Jose, the premises of the Romantic Museum,from lesonzedelmatífinsal'horade the Civic Processó "Flag".
A les dotze the Migdia, LOGIN pipers streets SantFrancesc,Capde lavila, Major iplaçade City Council. The different formations played their offer inauguralsenhomenatgealsfundadorsdelaFestaMajor.
Wings two o'clock noon from the frigate laplatja, ENCESADELS 21 MORTE RETs, Amicsde in charge of the Festival, i Stumped OF Campanes.
Ala same time the Head of the Town, laCoblaMaricel interpretaràlessardanesLa Procession of Saint Bartholomew, The Català d'Antoni Vidal, i The Festa Major,d'Enric Morera in Viura.
At the same time and from the place del'Ajuntament, OUT OF appetizers and popular dances: Gegants, Cabeçuts, Drac,Aliga, Devils, Bastons, Cercolets,Panderetes, Pastorets, Tapes, Gypsy
iMoixiganga, acompanyatsde the Association of Musical Suburband Retiro.En arrived at Cape Villa, the Moixiganga will completa.A their representation as they arrive at the Garden in honor of the Battle of canFalç,lesautoritats itot assisteixii the people there at the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, collesfaran the action brilliance and represent all the dances with parlaments.Algunescolles act,also,to the geriatric LesMagnòlies.
A quarter to six o'clock, at the Vila Capde, ACTION Castellers by the League of Young Castellers Sitges.
The set of signals takes, des de l'avingudad'ArturCarbonellnúmero22, domicilidel President of the Commission and Santa Tecla Festival, Rafel and Buixens Font, PROCESS CÍVICADE "FLAG". Els balls populars, i entremesos Musicians, accompanied del'Agrupació Musical Suburband delRetiro,passarana collect tabernaclede Pendonista St. Bartholomew's home to the Festival 2012, and sen yorTrino CarbonelliÁlvarez,alcarrer deSantJosep, alslocalsdel MuseuRo màntic. Itinerary:ArturCarbonell, SantBar Tomeu, Sant Gaudenci, Sant Francesc, Sant Bonaventura,SantJosep,Parella des,CapdelaVila,Major,Ajuntament i Baluard. At the gates of the parish church dances receive the image of St. Barto me that, accompanied by the appropriate authorities ties, and Pendonista i els Cordonistes, Seracol·locadaal presbiteriperpresidir the liturgy of the day.
Ales onze of nit, the Punta des, the Fragata i els espigons, MONUMENTAL tremendous and fireworks by Fireworks Like UPS artwork by the pyro technician Sitges Isidro panel and Virella.
Amb with the·Bacardi laboració.
To live a quiet CASTELLDEFOC, enable the Commission ambcadires Lazón delPasseigde laRiberaentre restaurants and picnic Kansas (tocant of March). During the fireworks display uppercase attendees will enjoy a champagne tasting. Preudel ticket: 5 euros. Amb with the·Matas Grup laboració Arnalot.
Finish the Castle fire, as soon as security permits puntla, RUN FOR THE DANCES POPULAR scales TOP,parade to the monument to El Greco and return to New Street.
Acontinuació, Passeig de la Ribera,
Various dances with Sardanista Sitges.
The performances of the orchestra Taxman,we convidaràa ballarfins quegairebé day is done.
Friday, 24 agostDiada d'Sant Bartomeu Apostol,Patro de Sitges
LamatinadadesdelBaluard Alessisde Miquel Utrillo i Morlius, The ALEGRE FESTIVA MATINAL. In despuntarel day of Saint Bartholomew, as Sitgesn'ésPatró, elsentremesos,elsballspopulars and musicians again desfilarpels streets of the town.
Seguint the Tradició, Commission will give the ladies with the olorosesflors.Tothomque hodesitgies potafegira alegrepassada defaixes. Noméscalanar vestitdeblanc,ambespardenyes of betas carry a faixa.Recorregut: Baluard, Fonollar, Baluard the Vidal Quadras, Port n'Alegre, Rafael Llopart, Sant Damià, SantSebastià, Jesus, Sant Bartomeu, SantGaudenci, Sant Josep, Espalter, plaçad'Espanya, Carrer d'Espanya, JoanTarrida,plaça delaIndústria,Marquèsde Montroig, Parellades, Cap de la Vila,Major iAjuntament.
Adosquartsd'onze al'EsglésiaParroquial of St. Bartholomew and St. Tecla,
Solemne OFICI CONCELEBRATENHONORDESANTBARTOMEUAPÒSTOL, VILA DELA PATRO SITGES. Mr preside CELEBRATION. Bisbe de Girona,Mgr. Francesc PardoArtigas.Enguany,al'ofertori, elDracde Sitgesfaràl'ofrena,a through detotelpoble, Patró.Enacabarla alnostreSant CELEBRATION, singing and Joys of Saint veneration of the relic.
L'Acabat offices, APOTEÒSICASORTIDA D'ofã. Musical amb l'Agrupació paraded Suburbanddel Musical Retreat, to accompany authorities to the City.
Seguidament act, also, all the dances and their musicians, which together with the couplet Maricel and banda, drawn one of the most magical moments of our festival.
Desprésdel'actuació delsballsientre months, The Banda play back the Sega, Catalonia national himne l'.
A continuació, Plaça de l'to Ajunta ment, DISPLAY Castellers by the League of Young Castellers Sitges.
Acte seguit, SELECT WITH CERTSVERMUT festival: Alsjardinsde the Company RecreativaEl Retiro, audició of Maricel Cobla. Als jardins Casino Prado Subu Rense,Suburband actuaciódel'AgrupacióMusical Retreat. (In case of rain will be in theaters for the organization)
At half past six o'clock, after completing the traditional meal of festival, SELECT CAFÈCON sure takes: Als jardins Casino Prado Subu Rense, audició of Maricel Cobla (acteorganitzatpel CasinoPradocon with Canyateca Prado Band and Maricel).
Alsjardinsde the Company RecreativaElRetiro, actuació de l'Agrupació Suburband Musical Retreat (event organized by the Recreational Society and the Musical Group ElRetiro Suburband).
(In case of rain will be in the entity corresponding teatresde)